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Create Your Trading Success
Introduction to This Course (8:08)
How to Cut Years Off Your Path to Trading Success With This Course (3:36)
How Will I Know When I'm Successful? (3:17)
'I Want' Versus 'I Commit' (5:26)
Legal Stuff (0:44)
Behavioural Economics and Trading
Behavioural Economics and Trading (6:32)
Behavioural Economics Experiments (12:31)
Why Can't I Stick to my Trading Plan
How to Follow Your Trading Plan (2:57)
Why Can't I Stick to my Trading Plan (10:40)
Mapping Your Trading System (4:30)
What Are Neural Pathways and Why Are They Important
What Are Neural Pathways and Why Are They Important (3:25)
Creating New Neural Pathways (6:03)
Automatic Behaviour Creation (8:25)
The TWO Trading Brains (7:43)
How Deal With Anxiety During a Trade (2:50)
Changing When You Are Stuck in Bad Patterns (9:15)
How to Become a Self Aware Trader
What is Self Awareness (3:41)
How to Become Self Aware (3:31)
Neutralising Strong Emotions (2:18)
How to Emotionally Neutralise Losses
How to Deal With Losses (7:58)
The EFT/NLP Process to Neutralise Your Pain (3:10)
Going Through The Sequence Step by Step (5:01)
Follow Along and Borrow Benefits (7:38)
More Techniques to Overcome Negative Trading Patterns
More Techniques to Overcome Negative Trading Patterns (2:43)
Using Meditation to Switch Off Rationalisation (5:24)
Using Distraction and Avoidance Techniques (7:06)
Using Affirmations to Help Your Trading (0:43)
Acceptance of Lack of Control in the Markets (2:59)
Using Positive Self Talk (1:51)
Using Visualisation (3:32)
Trading Style and Trading Psychology
Trading Style and Trading Psychology (5:04)
Setting Trading Goals (5:39)
Limit Losses First (2:28)
Optimise Your Profits (1:35)
Process Thinking Versus Results Thinking
What is Process Thinking and Why is it important in Trading (4:10)
What is Results Thinking and How it Destroys Trading Performance (3:50)
How to Become a Process Thinker (1:12)
How to Deal With Disappointment
Why Traders Feel Disappointment (1:12)
The Danger of Disappointed Dreams (1:08)
Celebrating Interim Targets to Prevent Disappointment (3:10)
Your Trading Success Action Plan
Your Trading Success Action Plan (2:51)
Conclusion (0:57)
Course Updates
Course Updates (0:32)
NLP Reframing for Traders (7:19)
Nutrition, Exercise and Your Trading (1:29)
Creating Your Record Keeping System (13:30)
Stopping the 'Cascading Effect' (9:04)
Bonus Section
Bonus One - Trading Psychology Collection Ebooks $25
Bonus Two; Patience $7.99
Bonus Three Trading Psychology Made Easy - 50 Sayings
Introduction to This Course
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